VI. Tangible Support: Philhellenes, Warriors and Philanthropists

C5. Establishment of the Greek School Committee, New York City

(Booras, pp. 233-34) Boston Recorder, May 14, 1829
From the latest intelligence, it appears that there is still much suffering, especially among the sick poor in Greece. . . A similar state of things will no doubt continue to exist for several years to come...

In the opinion of Drs. Howe and Russ, no method is likely not be so efficient and economical for the relief of this distress as the maintenance of a hospital and the training of Greek physicians.

... Dr. Howe expressed the intention of taking a small class of students, who in attendance at the Hospital should be learning something both of the theory and practice of medicine.

It is expected that a company of teachers and others will sail for Greece sometime in the approaching autumn. Under their charge supplies of clothing and provisions might be sent for the use of the Hospital already established, as well as for the orphan institutions and schools which are in contemplation. Will not the friends of Dr. Howe, and those who have felt for the missions of that country to which he has so generously devoted himself, come forward with contributions for his support as a medical teacher in Greece

(Hatzidimitriou 364-365)

Source: Constantine G. Hatzidimitriou, Founded on Freedom and Virtue: Documents Illustrating the Impact in the United States of the Greek War of Independence, 1821-1829 (New Rochelle, New York: Aristide D. Caratzas, 2002).